A little bit about the practice…

We are a group of therapists which allows us to match our client’s needs and schedule with a therapist who will be the best fit based on their individual needs. It also allows us to reduce any waitlist times.

How do I know which therapist will be the best fit for my individual needs?

Each therapist has a bio that provides a brief introduction to them and their areas of specialization, found here. If you would prefer to discuss who might be a good fit, we would love to chat more with you. You can either contact us at info@aweisercounselling.com or feel free to book a free phone consultation here.

How do I book an Appointment?

We offer a variety of different appointment days and times, including evenings and weekends. We use an online booking site to make scheduling appointments easier for our clients. You can check availability and book directly from here: https://aweisercounselling.janeapp.com/)

What if I want to get in sooner than is available on the online booking calendar?

We strongly believe that when someone is seeking help we want to get them in as soon as possible and make every effort to reduce wait times; however, sometimes schedules can be booked up very quickly. If you can’t find availability that matches your needs, please do reach out to us on our CONTACT US Page and/or EMAIL us at info@aweisercouselling.com as we can sometimes get you in sooner than is available on the calendar (i.e. cancellations etc).

Do I need a referral?

You don’t need a referral to access our services. If you feel like we are a good fit for you, you are welcome to book with us at any time. Information about booking appointments can be found here.


The fee at our practice ranges between $130-$150 (inclusive of GST) per 50 minute session depending on the type of session and the experience of the therapist. We also offer low cost counselling with advanced graduate students at a fee of $40/session. Contact us (see question below) for more information about this program.

Do you offer reduced fee counselling?

We are excited to be able to offer significantly reduced cost counselling services through our training clinic. Advanced graduate students will be providing counselling services under close supervision of an experienced clinician to children, youth, adults, and couples. We have noted the need for reduced cost services in our community and hoping this will allow greater accessibility for mental health services. Contact us for more information or to see if this program is a good fit for your needs.

Payment Methods.

Cash, cheque, credit card and e-transfers are all accepted at the practice.

Can you direct bill to a third party payee?

Our office is happy to direct bill to a third party payee; however, we need confirmation from the payee in writing in advance.

We work often with ICBC, WCB, Long-Term Disability Companies, Crime Victim Assistance, and Autism Funding.

Funding Sources & Extended Health Reimbursement.

Some extended health plans cover counselling services on a reimbursement basis (we can’t direct bill, unfortunately); however, I do recommend that if you are planning to submit to a benefit plan that you check with them first as each plan has different allowances and requirements of the provider. If this is applicable to your situation, we will provide you a receipt to submit to your insurance provider.

You may also be funded for counselling services through a third party. Some examples of common funding sources include: ICBC, WCB, Long-Term Disability Companies, Crime Victim Assistance, and Autism Funding.

What are the therapist’s credentials?

All of our therapists hold at least a masters degree in counselling and are clinical counsellors registered with the Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association. This is the national registering body for counsellors/therapists.

Cancellation Policy.

We ask that whenever possible you provide 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel an appointment or you may be charged up to the fee for the session.

Directions to the office.

Our office can be a bit tricky to find, so here are some extra directions:

The address is 22420 Dewdney Trunk Road (It is above Club 16 Fitness). To access our parking lot, turn onto Fraser Street, right down the alley and right to come up the ramp (above Trevor Linden Fitness). Please come to third floor of building ("Regus Offices", #300) and check in with the receptionist. The door to enter the building and come to the third floor is to right of the parking metre (just around the corner). It is also accessible directly from the ground level off of Fraser Street (under the stairwell beside the gym).

After hours or on holidays, the door may be locked. If this is the case, please email or call the therapist you are there to see but also know that your therapist will come to find you at your appointment time.